
1999 Qualification for university entrance type D (modern languages)
1999-2005  Studies in agricultural sciences at ETH Zurich, specialization in agricultural economics; diploma thesis at the institute of agricultural economics
2006-2011 PhD studies at the chair of Prof Dr B. Lehmann at the institute of environmental decisions IED
2012-2013 Certificate in university didactics at Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH


Employments and practical trainings:

2015- lecturer for higher vocational education at Strickhof
2014- independent expert in agricultural economics, from June 2015 with her own company
2011-2014    Scientific staff member of the agricultural economics group at the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL, a department of the Bern University of Applied Sciences; from 2013 with lectureship
2005-2011 Scientific assistant at ETH Zurich, from 2008 with lectureship
2003  Three months training at the Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG, section for quality and sales promotion
2002 Two months training at the Beloruskaja Gosudarstvenaja Selsko-Chosjaistvennaja Akademija in Gorki, Belarus
2001 Six months farm training at St-Aubin NE
1994-1995 Au pair year at Rivera TI


Association work and political mandates

2015- Vice-president of the Swiss association of Engineering-Agronomists and Food Science engineers
2015- Member of the Advisory board of D-USYS at ETH Zurich
2009-2011    Member of the financial and control committee of the municipality of Neuenhof AG
2005 Ad interim treasurer of Forum & Contact, VSTH's commission for the organization of the Polymesse at ETH Zurich
2003-2004 Board member of VSETH (student's federation at ETH Zurich), responsible for politics of higher education and communication; co-chair of the council of all departments' student representatives; board member of the VSH (federation of Swiss university student's boards)
1999-2003 Board member of VIAL (association of the students in agricultural an food sciences), responsible for finances and politics of higher education; active member of the International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences (IAAS)